The Work-Packages
FoodSTEM project’s activities The 8 Work Packages Activities Organisation
FoodSTEM is an EU co-funded project by Erasmus + Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education Program designed to build partnership between Cambodian and European universities.
With the support of 3 European HEIs, FoodSTEM project aims at building the capacity of 4 major public universities in Cambodia in order to create a new generation of food chain entrepreneurs, with a strong emphasis on safety, quality and sustainability.
It covers educational issues for the development of sustainable agriculture and food processing in Cambodia, in response to the need to develop a food transformation activity close to the production areas.
It aims at creating favorable conditions in the 4 partner universities for the emergence of student entrepreneurship and micro or small enterprises.
Duration : 3 years, from November 15, 2019 to November 14, 2022.
Name : FoodSTEM
Objective : “Training a new generation of entrepreneurs in sustainable agriculture and food engineering”
Erasmus+ Nº : 610052-EPP-1-2019-1-KH-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
This project is coordinated by the Institute of Technology of Cambodia, a higher education institution in Phnom Penh that trains students in science, technology and engineering. The other Cambodian partners are higher education institutions in Phnom Penh and Battambang specialized in different fields such as agriculture, law, economics and food processing : The Royal University of Law and Economics, the University of Battambang and the Royal University of Agriculture. This project will be conducted with the support of three European higher education institutions: the National Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (Montpellier SupAgro), Toulouse INP in France and Liege University in Belgium.
“In Cambodia, the food processing industry is limited and the market is dominated by imported food from neighboring countries. The local food processing market is run by family-based, informal micro enterprises, with lack of entrepreneurship skills, financial access, inadequate infrastructure and limited quality and safety or environmental concerns.
FoodSTEM project values the strong existing bilateral cooperation between the EU and Cambodia. Furthermore, it addresses the needs to raise Agri-Food transformation education to the best international standards by providing a qualified and innovative workforce to the market with e-learning courses and free access to laboratories for students to elaborate and control food products quality and safety along the agri-food chain.”
FoodSTEM project’s activities The 8 Work Packages Activities Organisation
The Project Management Unit The Quality Monitoring Committee The Project Management Board The Steering Committees
The Operational Committees The Work Packages coordinators PROJECT’S WORK PACKAGE COORDINATORS WORK PACKAGE’S LEADERS IN PARTNER UNIVERSITIES Table legend: In yellow: WP global coordinatorIn black: WP referent in partner
FOODSTEM is An Erasmus Plus “Capacity Building in Higher Education” Project Co-Founded of the European Union which is related to Training a new generation of entrepreneurs in sustainable agriculture and food engineering.
For the sustainable development of agriculture and of food industry in Cambodia, there is the needs to build up a network of Cambodian public universities to address scientific and technical issues. A multidisciplinary approach therefore combines: education, agriculture, food engineering and management is important for this development. So, the Foodstem project aims to build the capacity of 4 public universities in Cambodia in order to train a new generation of entrepreneurs in sustainable agriculture and food engineering, with a strong emphasis on safety and quality with the support of 3 European university’s partners.