L’Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, France
Created in 1969, the Toulouse National Polytechnic Institute (Toulouse INP) is a public university federating 17 labs and 6 engineering schools (French Graduate Schools): ENSAT, ENSEEIHT, ENSIACET, ENIT, ENM and PURPAN, bringing together 6700 students (including 500 PhD students) and 1500 staff. It offers master’s degrees and PhD programs with specializations in Energy, Climate, Digitalization, Materials, Agronomy, Agribusiness and Environment. 8 masters are fully taught in English.
Toulouse INP has been awarded the “Bienvenue en France” label with 3 stars, the maximum number issued for this label, which rewards the quality in welcoming international students.
The engineering schools of Toulouse INP have a strong research activity focused on issues with high societal and economic impact concerning various fields. Thanks to a proactive policy, the research activity is also important for companies, as demonstrated by the national ranking in terms of research partnerships between companies and engineering schools: Toulouse INP is ranked in the top 5 in France. Toulouse INP has more than 500 partner companies and develops strong links with the business and corporate world. The close relation we have with the industry is indeed at the heart of our Education and Research.
The INP has placed the international dimension at the center of its development strategy, relying on training courses that are naturally internationally oriented because they are backed by internationally renowned research laboratories and have strong collaborations abroad. Thus, the INP has developed an international strategy based on four axes:
- the internationalisation of our students and teams
:outgoing student mobilityand teaching mobility program. - the internationalisation of our courses and our establishment: fifty visiting professors and numerous foreign students every year, 7 Masters of Science in English and 3 summer schools. With the Groupe INP, the establishment exports its know-how by helping to create courses in foreign universities : for exemple in Cambodia at ITC or Battambang University (with Occitanie area support) and with our Double Degrees as with Cambodia.
- the internationalisation of our research in developing theses in co-supervision and/or co-direction. It is increasingly involved in European projects such as Erasmus+.
- strengthening the influence and attractiveness of the establishment: through its active partnership policy and its involvement in numerous international programmes and networks. Toulouse INP has a natural link with the industrial and business world and assists the foreign development of major French groups as well as SMEs.
In addition, Toulouse INP is a member of the ITC (Institut Technologique of Cambodia) support consortium, a very active member of the PFIEV in Vietnam and also member of Campus France.
The influence of our establishment on the international scene, in relation with our partners
Toulouse INP benefits from an excellent ranking in U_Multirank 2019, and appears several times in the top 100 of the Shanghai thematic ranking in three disciplines: chemical engineering, mechanical engineering and animal sciences.
PURPAN’s engineering school is part of the 6 University campuses of the TOULOUSE INP.
PURPAN was founded in 1919, also member of Toulouse INP, trains 1200 students on a five-year graduate curriculum, and delivers “Ingenieur” degrees in Agriculture/Life Siences. Graduates work in 300 professions within the life sciences, agricultural, agri-food, marketing and management sectors. PURPAN obtained the ISO 9001 certification for teaching and research. It is home to a food science pilot plant and to “le semoir” (“the seeder”), an incubator for graduates and companies developing projects in the food industry.
The ENSAT is the Engineering Faculty of Life Sciences, and is part of the 6 University campuses of TOULOUSE INP.
ENSAT is the 1st French agronomy engineering faculty to have been certified ISO 14001 for its environmental approach. It has also been granted the ISO 9001 certification based on quality management on training activities and support services Find out more about our quality Management.
Our engineering students enroll after 2 years of undergraduate study and study for 3 years at ENSAT under the French System of education framework. We welcome international students to enroll either in Degree programmes or in Exchange programmes,
FoodSTEM team at Toulouse INP

Bertrand Pourrut, FoodSTEM project coordinator at Toulouse INP
Mr Bertrand Pourrut has a PhD in biology and is an associate Professor in Environmental Sciences – Ecotoxicology at Toulouse INP